The inside reaching out

This site is not about anything specific. It’s not about biking, hiking, overlanding, camping, flight, music, geography, mycology, chess, photography or any of my passions. It’s a place where I’ll put all those things that stumble into my mind or move me, make me think, and I’m unsure to which of my sites they belong. Some of my photographic work, my mumbling and rumbling about various things that make up life, things that I want to share with others badly… So, you could say that it’s something closest to a personal blog that I have done so far. Yes, it’s my first real BLOG 🙂

Most of the posts in this blog will be written in English, but some may be written in Serbian or German – depending on my mood and the people that I want to address with it.

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Into the silence

Solitary travelling through the wilderness is what I enjoy doing most. On wheels, on foot, or any other way. Moving through dense woods or along endless highland ridges, where I can be quite certain that I’m not going to encounter any human activity, but only deer, rabbits, bears and wolves. I love camping in the wild. Waking up next to a stream, enjoying the starlight of a million stars above my head, listening to the cracking of a campfire. Picking mushrooms and plants, feeding on the generousity of nature. I enjoy the silence, the complete absence of verbal pollution that the nature treats us with. It is only when we become one with nature, a speechless natural being, that we can bring out our true self.

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My blog timeline

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Where tourism starts, adventure ends

The moment an area becomes arranged for tourist access, with pre-built facilities, roads, guards, regulations and restrictions, tickets, info boards, when it becomes accessible for street cars and urban people, it loses all of it’s curiosity, all of the reasons why an adventurer would want to go there. Places that have been forgotten by the …

Photo Gallery

Photo albums from my travels, near or far.

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About me

I’ve spent my childhood on the far outskirts of a northern German town, where I had the opportunity to wander into a “enchanted” forest daily. And that probably filled me with a lifetime passion to explore the mystical depths of nature. My father, also a passionate explorer (and the world record holder for human continuous cave life endurance), taught me the basics of rock climbing and cave exploring as early as the age of 7, but I never became really hooked on vertical rock climbing. I rather admired the distances, had a desire to reach some far off places, which brought me to a life of wandering, mountain biking explorations into the wild, and later overland travelling in a 4×4 vehicle. Living in Germany, Serbia and USA in my early years contributed to all of this.

Now I’m a professional adventure travel guide, specialized in organizing overlanding (4×4) tours. I photograph and take video footage of my journeys, to preserve all the magic and try to present it to the world. People sometimes ask me how I don’t get tired of this nomadic lifestyle, constantly moving on and sleeping in a rooftop tent. Well, I can simply not have enough of it, ever. Some people socialize, I seek solitude and the unknown, and that is it.

Concerning my attitude and views of today’s world…

Believing that modern political system is the biggest enemy of individual freedoms obviously makes me an anarchist in the ideological sense. Yes, I do believe that the present model of globalisation sucks and should be dismantled, and that demonstrating disobedience, always questioning the rules and being selective in complying with them, is a question of personal integrity, which differentiates us from robots. I’m not a follower of a major religion or a member of any of the mainstream churches, but I don’t see myself as a blatant, scientifically oriented atheist. I do have a deep understanding for man’s spiritual being and needs, for seeking the truth in a religious way. Yes, you could say that I believe that interconnecting force of cosmic energy exists. But the major religions are banalizing and abusing God for things that have nothing to do with being spiritual – they abuse him to control the people.

Being extremely sceptical and critical towards the modern world and it’s practices, my cynical comments about the consumer society and the abusive strategy that marketing divisions of corporations are implementing to turn the world population into their victims (helped by their puppet media), I’m often labeled as a “hater” by the business world. Well, sincerely, I don’t care.

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